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Volume 03: Hoàng Tiến Quyết

Volume 03: Hoàng Tiến Quyết

Hoàng Tiến Quyết is a Vietnamese origami artist known globally for his energetic origami animal structures. Born in 1988 in Vinh Phuc, Vietnam Quyết has been practicing origami since he was a young child. Over the years his origami practice has been heavily inspired by Giang Dinh a prolific origami artist who introduced him to the wet folding technique. Wet folding was invented by Akira Yoshizawa, who utilized water to wet paper during the origami creation process to mimic sculpture. Origami artists who employ wet folding technique produce work that is marked by rhythm through a wave-like roundness only achieved through the paper’s manipulation while damp.

Hoàng Tiến Quyế


Hoàng Tiến Quyết’s work reminds us of adolescence. His origami sculptures have a whimsy that jogs a familiar creative feeling in our team. We especially love his horse sculptures, one can almost feel the wind that ripples the horse’s mane and tail.

Horse 2011, Created in 2010 and folded on 2011.
Wet-folded from 1 uncut square

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